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Selected Publications


New England Review 44, no. 1 2023:185-193

Portrait of the Artist as a Black Man Received the Michael Steinberg Award for nonfiction

Solstice Literary Magazine Summer 2021

I Was Expecting a Black Guy

Hippocampus Magazine January/February 2021

The Brown Body

Tahoma Literary Review (Accepted) Fall/Winter 2020 

To Belong in a Garden

Solstice Literary Magazine Summer 2020


Under the Gum Tree, Issue 36, Summer 2020

Double Consciousness

Hippocampus Magazine, Jan 6, 2020

A Tourist at Home Nominated for a Pushcart Prize

Creative Nonfiction Vol. 70 Spring, 2019

Multigenerational Identities 

in The Beiging of America, Personal Narratives about Being Mixed Race in the 21st Century

Edited by Cathy J. Schlund-Vials, Sean Frederick Forbes and Tara Betts

2leaf Press 2017

A Psychiatric Residency Curriculum for the Care of African American Patients.   

Harris HW, Felder D, Clark MO.

 Academic Psychiatry  2004 Fall;28(3):226-39.

Racial and Ethnic Identity: Psychological Development and Creative Expression. 

Harris, H.W., Blue, H.C., & Griffith E.E.H. (Eds.)   

Routledge Press, New York, NY., 1994

Scientific Publications

Harris, H.W., Gill, T.J. III. 1986.  Expression of Class I Transplantation Antigens.  Transplantation 42, 109‑117.


Harris, H.W., Kunz, H.W., Gill, T.J. III. 1986. Trans‑acting Regulatory Elements Control Expression of Class I Antigens.  Transplantation Proceedings 19, 222.


Harris, H.W., Kunz, H.W., Gill, T.J. III. 1987. Differential Regulation of Class I Antigen Expression in the Rat.  Transplantation Proceedings  19, 3011‑3012.


Harris, H.W., Kunz, H.W., Gill, T.J. III. 1988. Shedding and Turnover of Class I Transplantation Antigens in the Rat. Transplantation Proceedings 20, 76-77.


Harris, H.W., Kunz, H.W., Gill, T.J. III. 1989. Regulation of Class I MHC Antigen Expression in the Rat. Transplantation 47, 376-384.


Goldgaber, D., Harris, H.W., Hla, T., Maciag, T., Donnelly, R.J., Jacobson, J.S., Vitek, M.P.  & Gajdusek, D.C. 1989. Interleukin I Regulates Synthesis of Amyloid Beta Protein Precursor mRNA in Human Vascular Endothelial Cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, U.S.A. 86, 7606-7610.


Lewis, D.A. & Harris, H.W.  1991. Postnatal Developmental Changes in the Distribution of Tyrosine Hydroxylase-Immunoreactive Dopaminergic Fibers in Monkey Prefrontal Cortex: A Tyrosine Hydroxylase Immunohistochemical Study. Neuroscience Letters 125 (2), 151-154.


Harris, H.W. & Nestler, E.J. 1993. Opiate Regulation of Signal Transduction Pathways. In The Neurobiology of Opiates  R.P. Hammer (Ed.) CRC Press, Ann Arbor, MI.


Ortiz, J., Harris, H.W., Guitart, X., Terwilliger, R.Z., Haycock, J.W. & Nestler, E.J. 1995. Regional Survey of Extracellular-Signal Regulated Kinases (ERKs) and ERK-Kinase (MEK) in Rat Brain. Journal of Neuroscience  15: 1285-1297.


Harris, H.W.  1996.  Neuronal Differentiation of PC12 Cells in the Absence of Extracellular Matrix Adhesion Induces Apoptosis.  In Neurodegenerative Diseases  405-407.  G. Fiskum (Ed.) Plenum, New York, NY


Harris, H.W. & Nestler, E.J.  1996.  Immunohistochemical Differences in Mesolimbic Dopaminergic Neurons in Fischer and Lewis Rats. Brain Research 706: 1-12.


Sklair-Tavron, L., Shi, W., Lane, S.B., Harris, H.W., Bunney, B.S. & Nestler, E.J.  1996.  Structural Changes in Ventral Tegmental Area Dopaminergic Neurons Elicited by Chronic Exposure to Morphine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, U.S.A. 93, 11202-11207


Harris, H.W., 1997.  Pharmacological Management of Late Life Depression. NAMI Decade of the Brain.  8:6-8


Harris, H.W. & Lebowitz, B.L.  1997. Clinically-Oriented Basic Science: Emerging Opportunities for Research in Late-Life Mental Disorders    The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.  5, 1-3.

Lebowitz, B.L. & Harris, H.W.,  1998. Treatment Research in Geriatric Psychiatry: From Regulatory to Public Health Concerns. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.  6, 101-103.


Harris, H.W. 1998.   Vascular Depression.  Primary Psychiatry  July, 1998, 17-18.


Harris, H.W. 1999.  Negative Symptoms in Dementia  Primary Psychiatry July, 1999 15-17.


Lebowitz, B.L. & Harris, H.W., 2000.  An Overview of Effectiveness Research.  In Annual Review of Gerontology.

Molecular Genetics, Reductionism, and Disease Concepts in Psychiatry.

Harris, H.W. & Schaffner, K.F. 

Journal of Medicine and Philosophy  1991  17, 125-151.

Moldofsky, H., Harris, H.W., Archambault, T, Kwong, T., Lederman  2011. Effects of Bedtime Very Low Dose (VLD) Cyclobenzaprine (CBP) on Symptoms and Sleep Physiology in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FM): A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Study.   The Journal of Rheumatology, Dec;38(12):2653-63.

Harris, HW, Holmes, V,  Jaiswal, P, Patkar, AA, Weisler, RH, 2013. The Psychiatric Aspects of Vitamin D Deficiency. Current Psychiarty, April Vol. 12, No. 04


Brennan FX, Gardner KR, Lombard J, et al. A Naturalistic Study of the Effectiveness of Pharmacogenetic Testing to Guide Treatment in Psychiatric Patients with Mood and Anxiety Disorders. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders. 2015;17(2):10.

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